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August 08, 2024

Trakindo Innovakids 2024, a Sustainable Commitment to Support the Readiness of the Next Generation through the Spirit of Freedom of Learning

Jakarta, August 8, 2024 – Innovation is one of the fundamental factors that is believed to be a determinant of the success of future generations. By encouraging the growth of a culture of innovation from an early age, children will be challenged to see things from different perspectives and think outside the box. Realizing this, PT Trakindo Utama (Trakindo) again presents the Trakindo Innovakids 2024 program, which this time comes with the theme "Innovation Creates Space for Creativity with the Spirit of Independent Learning for Future Generations" as a form of continuous commitment in implementing the Corporate Citizenship program through the education pillar.

Trakindo Chief Administration Officer Yulia Yasmina explained, Trakindo Innovakids is the culmination of the Trakindo Education Transformation Movement Program (GENERASI) since 2021 which focuses on increasing the motivation of students and teachers in implementing innovation, disseminating good practices, and supporting the implementation of Innovation Culture and Strengthening Character Education, Life Skills, and Innovation Culture through Challenge-Based Learning (Challenge Based Learning/CBL). "Through Trakindo Innovakids activities, we strive to give students the freedom to explore their interests, so that they can find new ways to learn and also solve problems. Trakindo believes that innovation can create a space for creativity that will support the readiness of the next generation in answering future challenges. For this reason, in line with the spirit of Freedom of Learning, we want to create an environment that can support the development of innovation and creativity from an early age," explained Yulia.

Entering the third year of its implementation, Trakindo Innovakids has always been consistent in providing support to students where they will be focused on the real problems encountered around them and invite critical thinking in solving these problems through the development of innovative products with the CBL method. More than just education, Trakindo Innovakids is also a competition for students and the best products from the GENERASI program at the Mitra Elementary and Junior High School levels. At the elementary level, students are focused on the theme of Disaster Safe Schools which includes 20 target elementary schools in Indonesia. From this program, innovations were produced in the form of 10 disaster safe technology engineering products from Child Innovators, so that students can better understand various mitigation, preparedness, and disaster response efforts in the school environment. As for the Junior High School (SMP) level, Trakindo Innovakids this year focused on the School Health Project and successfully benefited 10 partner schools, 27 affected schools, 375 partner teachers, and 84 affected teachers. Various innovative works have been produced, including natural soap, herbal tea, litmus paper, essential oil catalysts, the use of itchy leaves to treat various diseases, and compost. 

Acting Director of Junior High Schools of the Directorate General of Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, and Secondary Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Drs. I Nyoman Rudi Kurniawan, M.T.,  also expressed his appreciation and support from the Ministry of Education and Culture for the implementation of Trakindo Innovakids and Trakindo's commitment to improving the quality of education. "We highly appreciate Trakindo for carrying out a number of assistance programs to the surrounding community and schools under Trakindo's guidance. I am grateful that Trakindo Innovakids is based on making  an innovation project that will ultimately have an impact on the formation of our children's character for the better. What Trakindo does is in line with the Independent Curriculum and we really appreciate this," said Nyoman.

The Trakindo Innovakids program also received a positive response from Plan Indonesia's Humanitarian and Resilience Program Program Manager Ida Ngurah who is also a representative of the jury. "I very much welcome the presence of the Trakindo Innovakids program which can encourage children to pour ideas and ideas into useful real products. Through the theme and focus chosen, of course, it can help students and school residents in creating a safe and disaster-responsive school environment, and play an important role in realizing a safer and more secure future for future generations," said Ida.

After going through the initial judging stage, the three grand finalists selected from the category of partner elementary schools, partner junior high schools, and impact schools then met online in the final round to explain the innovations that have been made, taking into account several assessment factors, such as aesthetics, function, level of innovation, impact, presentation content and delivery of materials, aspects of creativity, and the usefulness of the innovative product. Until finally the jury determined the winners of each category, including at the SD Mitra level was 1st place - SDN 46 Cakranegara Mataram, 2nd place - SDN Inpres Ujuna Palu, and 3rd place - SDN 060931 Medan. Meanwhile, in the SMPN Mitra category, it was 1st Place - SMPN 2 Dumai, 2nd Place - SMPN 7 Balikpapan, and 3rd Place - SMPN 11 Samarinda, and in the Best Imbas School category was SDN 03 Bengkulu City. 

Teacher representative and supervisor from SMPN 2 Dumai Dwi Ina Yati expressed her gratitude and gratitude to Trakindo and all school residents who supported during the Trakindo Innovakids 2024 series. "We are very grateful for the award given by Trakindo and always provide full support for the Trakindo Innovakids 2024 initiative. We hope that this activity will continue and develop, and can inspire more parties to contribute to creating reliable innovators in the future," explained Dwi.

Complementing its support for the world of education, Trakindo has also become part of the Healthy School Movement initiated by the Ministry of Education and Culture to facilitate students to become a healthy generation in the present and future. In its implementation, Trakindo plays an active role in providing training and providing supporting facilities, both through webinars, and by presenting the Trakindo Volunteer program involving employees. "Trakindo believes that quality education is the key to creating quality jobs for the nation's next generation. Through the series of Trakindo Innovakids programs and support for the Healthy School Movement, we hope that this good practice can continue and be disseminated to more elementary and junior high school students in Indonesia, so that they can be more motivated to produce the latest innovative products that are useful and contribute to a better nation building in the future," Yulia concluded.