Trakindo Encourage Businesses to Apply SHE Principles to Ensure Business Sustainability
In the midst of intensive economic recovery in Indonesia, Safety, Health and Environment (SHE/Keselamatan, Kesehatan Kerja, dan Lingkungan (K3L)) is one of the priorities in businesses. Moreover, the pandemic condition which is still ongoing drives the implementation of SHE as one of many prerequisites for the business industry to operate optimally and achieve its goals. It also presents changes that occur in the world of work and ultimately raises new challenges in ensuring work safety.
This becomes a concern for PT Trakindo Utama (Trakindo), Cat® heavy equipment solutions provider in Indonesia, and invited various stakeholders to strengthen the synergy and collaboration in implementing SHE through Bincang PERSpektif Trakindo Talk "Ensuring Business Sustainability by Optimizing Work Safety", which took place in Jakarta, Tuesday (21/2).
Yulia Yasmina, Chief Administration Officer of Trakindo in her speech explained that as a national company that was founded in 1970, Trakindo has a commitment to optimally implement SHE. It is not only to be adaptive in the midst of numerous changes and provide protection for workers, the environment, and society, but also to increase productivity. “Trakindo considers ‘Safety is our utmost priority’ and makes it as a working principle that has been internalized into the identity of our employee. It is not only implementing SHE as a company standard but also becoming a culture that flows in every work line of the company's operations. This principle is always be carried out to create a proper and high-quality work environment for as many Indonesian people as possible," Yulia said.
One of the speakers, Drs. Muhammad Idham, M. K.K.K., The Director of SHE Testing Field from Directorate General of Labor & SHE Development and Supervision, Ministry of Manpower of Indonesia appreciated the activities carried out by Trakindo and explained increasing the awareness of SHE culture as a shared responsibility so that the implementation can be carried out consistently and it is an obligation to implement SHE optimally by companies. "All of us have to play an active role in implementing the SHE culture in every activities, in order to assure proper and safe work, and we can all work safely and peacefully. The momentum for economic recovery becomes our starting point to reorganize business industries by prioritizing SHE," Idham stated.
Responding the importance of optimal implementation of SHE, Muhammad Siri - SHE Corporate Manager of PT Trakindo Utama further explained the implementation of high SHE Standards that Trakindo implemented not only in the scope of work, but also executed comprehensively to achieve a balance between work, at home, on the go, up to the time go rest back home. "Occupational safety is a very important aspect in every operational activities. By enhancing work safety, not only can it provide protection for workers, the environment and society, but also increase work productivity and competitiveness level," explained Siri.
According to Siri, the optimal implementation of SHE helps companies to mitigate and have an established plan to respond well to situations including while in a crisis. For example, at the beginning of the pandemic, Trakindo quickly responded to this uncertain situation by arranging various programs to protect the physical, mental, and wellbeing of employees, such as Sehati, Sejiwa, Seraga and SHE Talk.
Trakindo is not the only company in the industrial sector that focuses on implementing SHE in its operations. Rudi Suardi - Senior Safety Engineer Manager of PT Adaro Energy Indonesia elaborated Adaro's focus on increasing the effectiveness of planned, measurable, structured and integrated occupational protection and health; to prevent and reduce work accidents and occupational diseases by involving all elements of the
company. "In designing and implementing SHE programs, Adaro received a lot of help and support, both internal and external, such as from the government and our partner, Trakindo, to ensure that the program runs effectively and is beneficial for all of us. The SHE program implemented by Adaro is not only to carry out its obligations but also to continue in supporting the welfare of employees and the community, preserve the environment and business," explained Rudi.
Rudi also revealed that work safety needs to be aligned with sustainable business needs because work safety includes anticipation, assessment, evaluation, mitigation, and control of hazards that arise in or from the workplace that can interfere with the health and welfare of workers, by considering the impacts that may occur to the local community and the environment.
Bincang PERSpektif is Trakindo’s yearly program that invites speakers from various backgrounds to discuss national issues that come as concern to Trakindo and the public. This is in line with the spirit of the company, Advancing You Forward, to continuously advance the capabilities and capacities of customers, employees, and society in general in order to achieve long-term goals and success. This year, the topic of the Bincang PERSpektif aligned with the big theme of the National K3 (SHE) Month, namely "Creating Proper Work with an SHE Culture to Support Business Continuity in Every Workplace". This activity also becomes an opportunity to prolong the National K3L (SHE) Month momentum to reinforce the importance of implementing SHE, and active participation from the community.
In terms of supporting customers, Trakindo provided Cat® heavy equipment products that are equipped with the latest technology to obtain more accurate, productive work, also to reduce the risk of incidents, increasing productivity, and cost efficiencies. “Trakindo also arranging multiple programs to support customers businesses, such as training for operators guided by accredited instructors and standardized systems from Caterpillar so that safety in the use of heavy equipment is guaranteed; developing company capabilities in accordance with SHE Standards, completing the international certification standards to realize the highest performance standards in the field of Quality Management Systems and SHE covering all areas. This will be done by adhering to 3 Trakindo's SHE Pillars: Safe operational activities; Healthy Work Environment; and Green Company,” said Siri.
Currently, Trakindo has received accreditation achievement of ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System, ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System, ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System, and ISO 37001:2016 Anti-Bribery Management System. The SHE implementation at Trakindo was also appreciated by the 2022 Indonesia Safety Excellence Awards (ISEA) organized by First Indonesia Magazine in the form of The Best of The Best title: The Best CEO Committed in Safety Culture, The Best Health Services During Covid-19, The Best Safety Program, and The Best Safety Innovation achievements. "Trakindo hopes that through this activity, more parties will be inspired and aware by the importance of Occupational Safety to improve business work efficiency and create a sustainable business. Implementing K3L is part of the production process or company strategy, and in the end a good SHE performance will be beneficial to the company's business and welfare of its employees," Yulia concluded.