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June 10, 2024

Consistently Developing Sustainable Innovation, Trakindo Awarded as the Most Innovative Company 2024

Best Living Legend Company is an award event from SWA Magazine given to domestic companies that have successfully carried out their business operations for more than 50 years, and are able to maintain their existence through sustainable innovation programs.

In the midst of various challenges faced in the heavy equipment industry sector, Trakindo continues to grow and be adaptive. As a company that has been established for more than 50 years, Trakindo is constantly innovating in improving the quality of products, services, business processes, and focusing on the development of sustainable innovation.

Innovation is part of "Continuous Improvement" which is the company's culture to create new added value for the progress of employees, customers, and the company. The most important element in carrying out continuous innovation and development is to develop employees consistently at all levels, so that all potentials within the company can synergize in improving organizational performance.

Since 2002, when the 6Sigma concept was first implemented, the culture of innovation has continued to develop at Trakindo. Then, in 2014, an innovation competition called "Innovation Day" was present as a forum for all employees regardless of their professional role background to present innovative ideas of employees that have a positive impact on organizational performance. There are 4 categories that are competing, namely Service Tools, Product, Process, and System & Technology. 

It is a matter of pride for Trakindo that this culture of innovation has been appreciated and made Trakindo the Most Innovative Company in the Indonesia Best Living Legend Company in Managing Innovation 2024 survey organized by SWA with a total score of 87.74.

This award is a clear proof of the involvement of all Trakindo employees in the development of innovation in all fronts. Since 2014, Trakindo has produced more than 2,700 innovations, two of which have been patented and officially recognized through Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). 

This award is a motivation for all employees to continue to be creative in producing innovation ideas, both small-scale and large-scale innovations, which can then be implemented and replicated to support the company's business progress. This "innovation virus" must continue to be transmitted to anyone, both tens or even hundreds of years in the future, so that Trakindo can remain a pioneer in innovation in the heavy equipment industry that is beneficial for the progress of business and customers.


Trakindo, Advancing You Forward!