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H190 S

Performance Hammers
Impact Energy Class 17727 J
Blows per Minute 370 -530
Minimum Operating Pressure 15000 kPa
Maximum Operating Pressure 16000 kPa


Increase Production

Hammer hits with consistent power, delivering constant production.Operation cycle is more efficient - less waste in internal heat, more power delivered to the tool.Piston... Read more

Lower Maintance Costs

No need for constant checking of the gas charge. Design keeps gas pressure steady through the duration of the annual service interval.All daily checks and routine service... Read more

Focus on Your Business, Not Your Hammer

You don't need to be a hammer expert as our expertise is on call for you. Built-in features like automatic shut-off protect your equipment from poor operation techniques... Read more

Easy to Operate

Auto shut off prevents blank firing, the leading cause of user-induced damage to hammersOn a Next Gen Cat Excavator, hammers are protected by Auto-Stop, preventing damage... Read more

Spend Less Time on Maintenance

Rotate or change the bushing in less than an hour.Gas checks are annual, and quickly accomplished without dismounting the hammer.You can do this yourself… or your Cat dea... Read more

Next Level Technology

All models include Product Link technology standard, you can locate the hammer via the Cat App on your phone.When paired with a Next Gen Cat excavator, the hammer is auto... Read more

Auto-Lube is Standard

The H190 S Hammer inclues a hammer-mounted autolube. Every time the hammer is activated, it's automatically greased, keeping it at peak performance for the entire shift. Read more

Beyond Your Purchase

Want to learn more about your hammer? Operating and maintenance videos are available online or through your local Cat dealer. Working away from home? Not a problem. Be co... Read more


Impact Energy Class 17727 J
Blows per Minute 370 -530
Minimum Operating Pressure 15000 kPa
Maximum Operating Pressure 16000 kPa
Minimum Carrier Weight 43000 kg
Maximum Carrier Weight 80000 kg
Minimum Rated Flow 280 l/min
Maximum Rated Flow 380 l/min
Tool Shaft Diameter 190 mm
Minimum Operating Weight 5200 kg
Maximum Operating Weight 5650 kg


Performance Hammers

H215 S

Impact Energy Class 24407 J
Blows per Minute 300 -520
Minimum Operating Pressure 17000 kPa
Maximum Operating Pressure 18000 kPa
Performance Hammers

B35 Pemasangan Atas

Impact Energy Class 7500 J
Blows per Minute 250-550
Maximum Operating Weight 3134 kg
Minimum Operating Weight 2981 kg
Performance Hammers


Kelas Energi Benturan 6101 J
Blow per Menit 320-600
Tekanan Pengoperasian Minimum 14000 kPa
Tekanan Pengoperasian Maksimum 15000 kPa
Performance Hammers


Kelas Energi Benturan 4067 J
Blow per Menit 370-800
Bobot Kerja Minimum 1070 kg
Bobot Kerja Maksimum 1460 kg
Performance Hammers

Paket Keausan H140Es

Kelas Energi Benturan 8135 J
Blow per Menit 325-540
Tekanan Pengoperasian Maksimum 16000 kPa
Tekanan Pengoperasian Minimum 15000 kPa
Performance Hammers


Kelas Energi Benturan 16270 J
Blow per Menit 275-450
Tekanan Pengoperasian Minimum 15000 kPa
Tekanan Pengoperasian Maksimum 16000 kPa
Performance Hammers

Paket Keausan H160Es

Kelas Energi Benturan 11524 J
Blow per Menit 400-505
Tekanan Pengoperasian Minimum 15000 kPa
Tekanan Pengoperasian Maksimum 16000 kPa
Performance Hammers

H120E S

Kelas Energi Benturan 4745 J
Blow per Menit 350-620
Bobot Kerja Maksimum 1860 kg
Bobot Kerja Minimum 1480 kg

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3 Model Untuk Dibandingkan
Model 1
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Model 3