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Medium Wheel Loaders

The Cat® 966 Wheel Loader brings premium performance with simple-to-use technologies as a standard offering, boosting operator efficiencies and delivering increased productivity. Extended service intervals lower maintenance costs. Improved performance, reliability, durability, and versatility result in a machine that is better built to meet your needs.

Engine Power @ 1,600 rpm - ISO 14396:2002 239 kW
Gross Power @ 1,600 rpm - SAE J1995:2014 242 kW
Engine Model Cat C9.3B
Net Power @ 1,600 rpm - ISO 9249:2007, SAE J1349:2011 226 kW

Ketersediaan Hubungi Dealer


Premium Performance with Standard Technology for Efficient Operation


Proven Reliability

Cat C9.3B engine offers high power density with a combination of proven electronics, fuel, and air systems.Equipped with automatic Cat regeneration system, Cat Clean Emis... Read more


Heavy-duty transmission and axles designed to handle extreme applications.Automatic planetary powershift (4F/4R) transmission features durable, long-lasting components.Fu... Read more

Superior Fuel Efficiency & Productivity

New Autodig with Auto Set Tires for consistent high bucket fill factors deliver up to 10% more productivity compared to previous Cat model.Powershift transmission with lo... Read more

Smart Machine for Efficient Operation

Standard Cat technologies to monitor, manage, and enhance your jobsite operations.– Cat Payload with Assist provides accurate weighing*** of the bucket payloads. Data is... Read more

Safety Features

Rear-vision camera enhances visibility behind the machine, helping you work safely and confidently.Optional 360˚ vision system helps the operator monitor the surroundings... Read more

Reduced Maintenance Time & Costs

Extended fluid and filter change intervals reduce maintenance costs by up to 20%.*Convenient access to hydraulic and electrical service centers for easy and safe servicin... Read more

Work in Comfort in the All New Cab

Next-generation, easily adjustable seat and suspension for improved operator comfort. It comes in three trim levels and can be equipped with a 4-point harness.Increased l... Read more

Purpose-built Specialty Configurations

Application-specific arrangements direct from the factory for optimized performance and added durability in the toughest applications, including:– Industrial and waste mo... Read more


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Engine Power @ 1,600 rpm - ISO 14396:2002 239 kW
Gross Power @ 1,600 rpm - SAE J1995:2014 242 kW
Engine Model Cat C9.3B
Net Power @ 1,600 rpm - ISO 9249:2007, SAE J1349:2011 226 kW
Note (1) Cat engine meets U.S. EPA Tier 4 Final, EU Stage V, Korea Stage V, China Nonroad Stage IV and Japan 2014 emission standards.
Note (2) The net power advertised is the power available at the flywheel when the engine is equipped with fan, alternator, air cleaner, and aftertreatment.
Net Torque @ 1,200 rpm - ISO 9249:2007, SAE J1349:2011 1702 N·m
Engine Torque @ 1,200 rpm – ISO 14396:2002 1781 N·m
Gross Torque @ 1,200 rpm – SAE J1995:2014 1799 N·m
Note (3) Cat diesel engines are required to use ULSD (ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel with 15 ppm of sulfur or less) or ULSD blended with the following lower-carbon intensity fuels up to: • 20% biodiesel FAME (fatty acid methyl ester)* • 100% renewable diesel, HVO (hydrogenated vegetable oil) and GTL (gas-to- liquid) fuels Refer to guidelines for successful application. Please consult your Cat dealer or “Caterpillar Machine Fluids Recommendations” (SEBU6250) for details. * Engines with no aftertreatment devices can use higher blends, up to 100% biodiesel.
Displacement 9.3 L
Operating Weight 23196 kg
Note Weight based on a machine configuration with Bridgestone 29.5R25 VSNT L4 radial tires, full fluids, operator, standard counterweight, ride control cold start, roading fenders, Product Link, open differential axles (front/rear), secondary steering, sound suppression, and a 5.4 m³ (7.1 yd³) general purpose bucket with BOCE.
Forward - 1 6.7 km/h
Forward - 2 13.5 km/h
Forward - 3 24.2 km/h
Forward - 4 39.5 km/h
Note Maximum travel speed in standard vehicle with empty bucket and standard L3 tires with 849 mm (33 in) roll radius.
Reverse - 1 7.3 km/h
Reverse - 2 14.8 km/h
Reverse - 3 26.6 km/h
Reverse - 4 39.5 km/h
Note (1) ** For machines in European Union countries and in countries that adopt the EU Directives.
Note (2) ***European Union Directive 2000/14/EC as amended by 2005/88/EC.
With Cooling Fan Speed at 70% of Maximum Value - Exterior Sound Power Level* 108
With Cooling Fan Speed at 70% of Maximum Value - Operator Sound Pressure Level (ISO 6396:2008) 69 dB(A)
With Cooling Fan Speed at Maximum Speed - Exterior Sound Power Level (ISO 6395:2008) 109 dB(A)
With Cooling Fan Speed at Maximum Speed - Exterior Sound Pressure Level (SAE J88:2013) 76
With Cooling Fan Speed at Maximum Speed - Operator Sound Pressure Level (ISO 6396:2008) 70 dB(A)
With Cooling Fan Speed at Maximum Value - Note Distance of 15 m (49.2 ft), moving forward in second gear ratio.
Air Conditioning System
Air Conditioning The air conditioning system on this machine contains the fluorinated greenhouse gas refrigerant R134a (Global Warming Potential = 1430). The system contains 1.6 kg (3.5 lb) of refrigerant which has a CO2 equivalent 2.288 metric tonnes (2.522 tons).
Operating Specifications
Breakout Force 174 kN
Note (1) For a machine configuration as defined under Weight.
Note (2) Full compliance to ISO 14397-1:2007 Sections 1 thru 6, which requires 2% verification between calculations and testing.
Static Tipping Load - Full 40° Turn - No Tire Deflection 35244 lb
Static Tipping Load - Full 40° Turn - With Tire Deflection 14849 kg
Service Refill Capacities
Cooling System 66 l
Crankcase 23 l
DEF Tank 26 l
Differential - Final Drives - Front 57 l
Differential - Final Drives - Rear 57 l
Fuel Tank 303 l
Hydraulic Tank 114 l
Transmission 58.5 l
Hydraulic System
Implement System - Maximum Operating Pressure 31000 kPa
Implement System - Maximum Pump Output at 2,250 rpm 373 l/min
Hydraulic Cycle Time - Total 10.1 seconds
Note All dimensions are approximate and based on machine equipped with 5.4 m3 (7.1 yd3) general purpose bucket with BOCE and Bridgestone 29.5R25 VSNT L4 radial tires.
Dimensions - High Lift
Centerline of Rear Axle to Edge of Counterweight 2458 mm
Centerline of Rear Axle to Hitch 1775 mm
Ground Clearance 424 mm
Height - Top of Exhaust Pipe 3531 mm
Height - Top of Hood 2850 mm
Height - Top of ROPS 3593 mm
Hinge Pin Height at Carry 782 mm
Hinge Pin Height at Maximum Lift 4804 mm
Lift Arm Clearance at Maximum Lift 4183 mm
Overall Length - Without Bucket 8069 mm
Tread Width 2230 mm
Wheel Base 3550 mm
Rack Back - Carry Height 49 degrees
Rack Back - Maximum Lift 71 degrees
Width over Tires (Loaded) 3012 mm
Rack Back at Ground 37 degrees
Dimensions - Standard Lift
Centerline of Rear Axle to Edge of Counterweight 2290 mm
Centerline of Rear Axle to Hitch 1775 mm
Ground Clearance 1.4 ft
Height - Top of Exhaust Pipe 11.8 ft
Height - Top of Hood 9.5 ft
Height - Top of ROPS 11.1 ft
Hinge Pin Height at Carry 635 mm
Hinge Pin Height at Maximum Lift 13.11 ft
Lift Arm Clearance at Maximum Lift 12.1 ft
Overall Length - Without Bucket 24.4 ft
Tread Width 2230 mm
Wheel Base 11.8 ft
Rack Back - Carry Height 50 degrees
Width over Tires (Loaded) 3012 mm
Rack Back - Maximum Lift 62 degrees
Rack Back at Ground 39 degrees
Bucket Capacities
Bucket Range 2.8-11.9 m³ 3.75-15.5 yd³


Medium Wheel Loaders


Daya Bersih - ISO 9249 146 kW
Model Engine Cat® C7 ACERT™
Daya Bersih - 80/1269/EEC 147 kW
Torsi Puncak (Bersih) @ 1400 rpm 907 N·m
Medium Wheel Loaders


Daya Engine di 1600 rpm - ISO 14396:2002 253 kW
Daya Kotor di 1600 rpm - SAE J1995:2014 256 kW
Model Engine C9.3B Cat
Daya Bersih di 1600 rpm - ISO 9249:2007, SAE J1349:2011 239 kW
Medium Wheel Loaders


Net Power @ 1,700 rpm – ISO 9249:2007, SAE J1349:2011 292 kW
Engine Model Cat C13
Note (1) Cat engine meets U.S. EPA Tier 4 Final, EU Stage V, Korea Stage V, China Nonroad Stage IV and Japan 2014 emission standards.
Note (2) The net power advertised is the power available at the flywheel when the engine is equipped with fan, alternator, air cleaner, and aftertreatment.
Medium Wheel Loaders


Daya Bersih - ISO 9249 194 kW
Model Engine Cat® C11 ACERT™
Diameter 130 mm
Langkah 140 mm
Medium Wheel Loaders

950 GC

Daya Bersih - ISO 9249 151 kW
Model Engine C7.1 Cat
Diameter 105 mm
Langkah 135 mm
Medium Wheel Loaders


Daya Bersih - ISO 9249 278 kW
Model Engine C13 Cat
Daya Maksimum -1800 rpm - ISO 14396 - Metrik 303 kW
Bobot Kerja 30090 kg
Medium Wheel Loaders

966 GC

Daya Bersih - ISO 9249 196 kW
Model Engine C9.3B Cat
Langkah 149 mm
Kapasitas Silinder 9.3 l
Medium Wheel Loaders


Daya Bersih - ISO 9249 207 kW
Emisi Tier 3/Stage IIIA
Daya Kotor Maksimum - 1.700 rpm - ISO 14396 - Metrik 227 kW
Model Engine C9.3 Cat

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