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Motor Graders

With additional power, wider moldboard and the possibility to use a more aggressive blade angle, the 18 enhances operational efficiencies by increasing coverage and reducing the number of passes required to grade your haul roads. It includes additional standard features to provide the best combination of weight and power to help protect your asset and enhance safety. The 18 is an ideal fit for small to medium size mining operations that run 172 tonne or smaller hauling trucks.

Base Power (1st Gear) - Net 227 kW
Engine Model Cat® C13
Bore 130 mm
Stroke 157 mm

Ketersediaan Hubungi Dealer


Keep Haul Roads Productive and Efficient



Cat C13 engine delivers the performance needed to maintain consistent grading speeds for maximum productivity. Superior torque and lugging capability pull through sudden,... Read more


Experience the most spacious, comfortable cab in the industry.Revolutionary joystick controls replace levers, so hand and arm movement is reduced by 78%, helping to reduc... Read more


Shims, patented top-adjust wear strips and wear inserts are easy to add or replace. These keep drawbar-circle-moldboard components factory-tight for higher quality work,... Read more


Cat GRADE with Cross Slope is a standard, fully integrated, factory installed grade control system that helps operators maintain desired cross slope by automatically cont... Read more


Optional access platform provides a full second access path to the engine compartment and cab of the machine. This arrangement includes ladder, walkways, handrails and ac... Read more


Caterpillar utilizes technology and innovation to increase efficiency and productivity with less impact on the environment. The 18 offers a number of sustainable benefits... Read more


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Base Power (1st Gear) - Net 227 kW
Engine Model Cat® C13
Bore 130 mm
Stroke 157 mm
Speed at Rated Power 2,000 rpm
VHP Range - Net 227-266 kW (304-357 hp)
Standard - Ambient Capability 50 °C
Standard - Fan Speed - Minimum 550 rpm
Standard - Fan Speed - Maximum 1,450 rpm
Derating Altitude - Tier 4 Final/Stage IV/Japan 2014 (Tier 4 Final) 3810 m
Emissions U.S. EPA Tier 4 Final/EU Stage V/Japan 2014 (Tier 4 Final)
Maximum Torque - ISO 9249 - Tier 4 Final/Stage IV/Japan 2014 (Tier 4 Final) 1771 N·m
Torque Rise - Tier 4 Final/Stage IV/Japan 2014 (Tier 4 Final) 40%
Displacement 12.5 l
Number of Cylinders 6
Optimized VHP Range - Net 227-266 kW (304-357 hp)
Power Train
Forward/Reverse Gears 8 Forward/6 Reverse
Transmission Direct drive, power shift, countershaft
Brakes - Dynamic Brake Torque per Wheel 36701 N·m
Brakes - Secondary Oil-actuated, oil-disc
Brakes - Parking Spring applied, hydraulically released
Brakes - Service Oil-actuated, oil disc
Hydraulic System
Circuit Type Electro-hydraulic load sensing, closed center
Pump Type Variable piston
Maximum System Pressure 24750 kPa
Standby Pressure 5900 kPa
Note *Pump output measured at 2,150 rpm.
Pump Output* 280 l/min
Operating Specifications
Forward - 1st 4.5 km/h
Forward - 3rd 8.9 km/h
Top Speed - Reverse 40.8 km/h
Top Speed - Forward 51.7 km/h
Forward - 4th 12.3 km/h
Reverse - 6th 40.8 km/h
Reverse - 1st 3.6 km/h
Reverse - 4th 15 km/h
Forward - 8th 51.7 km/h
Forward - 5th 19 km/h
Forward - 2nd 6.1 km/h
Reverse - 5th 28 km/h
Forward - 6th 25.8 km/h
Forward - 7th 35.5 km/h
Reverse - 3rd 9.7 km/h
Reverse - 2nd 6.6 km/h
Steering Range - Left/Right 47.5°
Articulation Angle - Left/Right 20°
Turning Radius - Outside Front Tires 9.3 m
Note Calculated with no slip and 23.5R25 L-3 tires.
Service Refill
Fuel Capacity 496 l
Cooling System 70 l
Hydraulic System - Total 146 l
DEF Tank 16 l
Hydraulic System - Tank 70 l
Engine Oil 36 l
Transmission - Differential - Final Drives 98.5 l
Tandem Housing - Each 129 l
Front Wheel Spindle Bearing Housing 0.9 l
Circle Drive Housing 10 l
Circle - Blade Beam Thickness 50 mm
Front Frame Structure - Width 356 mm
Front Axle - Total Oscillation per Side 35°
Front Axle - Height to Center 670 mm
Drawbar - Height 203 mm
Drawbar - Width 76 mm
Circle - Diameter 1822 mm
Front Frame Structure - Thickness 14 mm
Front Frame Structure - Height 460 mm
Front Axle - Wheel Lean 18° Left/17° Right
Tandem Oscillation - Front Down 25°
Sidewall Thickness - Inner 22 mm
Tandem Oscillation - Front Up 15°
Sidewall Thickness - Outer 22 mm
Height 648 mm
Width 236 mm
Drive Chain Pitch 63.5 mm
Wheel Axle Spacing 1841 mm
Blade Width 5.5 m
Arc Radius 413 mm
Throat Clearance 126 mm
Thickness 25 mm
End Bit - Width 152 mm
Blade Pull* - Maximum GVW 23985 kg
Down Force - Maximum GVW 19895 kg
Width 5.5 m
Down Force - Base GVW 15426 kg
Height 787 mm
Cutting Edge Width 254 mm
Cutting Edge Thickness 35 mm
Blade Pull* - Base GVW 21417 kg
End Bit - Thickness 19 mm
Note *Blade pull calculated at 0.9 traction coefficient, which is equal to ideal no-slip conditions, and Gross Machine Weight.
Blade Range
Maximum Blade Position Angle 65°
Maximum Lift Above Ground 400 mm
Maximum Depth of Cut 470 mm
Maximum Shoulder Reach Outside of Tires - Left 2605 mm
Blade Tip Range - Backward
Moldboard Sideshift - Left 740 mm
Moldboard Sideshift - Right 790 mm
Maximum Shoulder Reach Outside of Tires - Right 2605 mm
Circle Centershift - Left 690 mm
Blade Tip Range - Forward 40°
Circle Centershift - Right 560 mm
Shank Holder Spacing - Minimum 445 mm
Ripping Depth - Maximum 452 mm
Ripper Shank Holders 7
Penetration Force 13749 kg
Pry-Out Force 19822 kg
Machine Length Increase, Beam Raised 1610 mm
Shank Holder Spacing - Maximum 500 mm
Operating Weight - Typically Equipped 33713 kg
Weights Tier 4 Final/Stage IV/Japan 2014 (Tier 4 Final)
Gross Vehicle Weight - Maximum Tested - Rear Axle 26650 kg
Gross Vehicle Weight - Maximum Tested - Total 38500 kg
Gross Vehicle Weight - Typically Equipped - Front Axle 9296 kg
Gross Vehicle Weight - Base* - Total 32794 kg
Gross Vehicle Weight - Typically Equipped - Rear Axle 24417 kg
Gross Vehicle Weight - Typically Equipped - Total 33713 kg
Gross Vehicle Weight - Base* - Front Axle 8998 kg
Gross Vehicle Weight - Base* - Rear Axle 23796 kg
Gross Vehicle Weight - Maximum Tested - Front Axle 11850 kg
Note *Base operating weight calculated on standard machine configuration with 23.5R25 tires, full fuel tank operator and rops cab.
Dimensions (Approximate)
Height - Front Axle Center 760 mm
Height - Top of Cab 3746 mm
Width - Tire Center Lines 2703 mm
Length - Front Tire to Rear of Machine - Including Tow Hitch 10593 mm
Height - Exhaust Stack 3584 mm
Length - Front Axle to Mid Tandem 7365 mm
Length - Front Axle to Moldboard 3066 mm
Height - Top of Cylinders 3115 mm
Length - Counterweight to Ripper 12051 mm
Width - Outside Front Tires 3411 mm
Length - Between Tandem Axles 1841 mm
Width - Outside Rear Tires 3411 mm
Ground Clearance - Rear Axle 423 mm
Sound ISO 6394: 2008/ISO 6395: 2008/ISO 6396: 2008
Brakes ISO 3450: 2011
ROPS/FOPS ISO 3471: 2008/ISO 3449: 2005
Steering ISO 5010: 2007
Variable Power Tier 4 Final/Stage IV/Japan 2014 (Tier 4 Final) - Net
Gear - Reverse 2nd 227 kW
Gear - Forward 1st 227 kW
Gear - Forward 3rd 232 kW
Gear - Reverse 1st 227 kW
Gear - Forward 8th 266 kW
Gear - Forward 5th 244 kW
Gear - Forward 6th 251 kW
Gear - Forward 4th 239 kW
Gear - Reverse 3rd-6th 232 kW
Gear - Forward 2nd 227 kW
Gear - Forward 7th 255 kW
Optional Tire Arrangements
Wheel Group - 19.5×25 MP (2) Tires: 23.5R25 Bridgestone VKT 1 Star
Wheel Group - 19.5×25 MP (1) Tires: 23.5R25 Bridgestone VKT 2 Star
Wheel Group - 19.5×25 MP (3) Tires: 23.5R25 Bridgestone VJT 1 Star
Wheel Group - 19.5×25 MP (4) Tires: 23.5R25 Michelin XHA 2 Star
Wheel Group - 19.5×25 MP (5) Tires: 23.5R25 Michelin XLDD 2 Star L5


Motor Graders

160 / 160 AWD

Base Power (1st Gear) - Net 159 kW
Engine Model Cat® C9
Base Power (1st Gear, AWD Off) - Net 159 kW
Base Power (1st Gear) - Net - Metric 159 kW
Motor Graders

16 GC

Model Engine Cat® C13
Emisi Setara dengan EPA Tier 3 AS/Stage IIIA UE
Kapasitas Silinder 12.5 l
Diameter 130 mm
Motor Graders


Rentang Daya Bersih (Tier 3) 123 kW
Model Engine Cat 7.1
RPM Engine 2,000
Emisi China Nonroad Stage III emission standards, equivalent to U.S. EPA Tier 3/EU Stage IIIA, and meets India CEV Stage V emission standards
Motor Graders


Base Power (1st Gear) - Net 108 kW
Engine Model Cat C7
Displacement 7.2 l
Bore 105 mm
Motor Graders

120 GC

Daya Bersih - ISO 9249/SAE J1349 128 kW
Torsi Maksimum 738 N·m
Model Engine Cat® C4.4
Diameter 105 mm
Motor Graders


Engine Model Cat® C13
Bore 130 mm
Stroke 157 mm
Speed at Rated Power 2,000 rpm
Motor Graders


Daya Dasar (Gigi 1) - Bersih 136 kW
Model Engine C7 Cat
Diameter 110 mm
Langkah 127 mm
Motor Graders


Daya Dasar (Gigi 1) - Bersih 139 kW
Model Engine C7 Cat® ACERT™
Kapasitas Silinder 7.2 l
Diameter 105 mm

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